Reed Altemus
writhing of
pitch balloon treater ballast mollusks quack and pill
underneath a pun pleated vapor questioning filters null
up at a dewey place ulterior Texas boiling verities
popper babel kinder egg surprises punky tutorial for
blustering delta wrens acapella dripper blab corpus
fat fat lingerer piling apexes around globules bundtcake
lysergic invoices lozenge placard belittles tanic acid
suchlike ocular pinching the stellar unionized pusbag
portably writhing upscale pitchfork vapidness collateral
Yosemite wrenches a flatness out of opulent bile—ignoreable
Jodpurs fuckwits king whence came the writhing of
space is the place
The taupe boat
to the moon Alice
phlegm clapboard dirigible quagmire
in memory of Don Van Vliet AKA Captain Beefheart
respirator flared menagerie yolk floppy-shading
ghost catatonic quagmire glamour snoring vile pixels
stretched jawbone placemat druggist exit maximum
crenulation husk-like oxygen phallus dreck
sign with flower-shaped galaxion denture boxes
granules blinded out cremate drainpipe affection
touristic asterisk touristic machine rubble cumberbund
mouthpiece flicker twelve phlegm pockets tilt flabby
cranium splendid eyedropper spatially variable
cloudbursting drawn Czech posterior eyelashes phlegm
ball and chain traces drifting banisters employers Czech
sputtering chutney combs synesthetically gaseous relations
buoy tropic phlegm clapboard dirigible quagmire
flexion traipse clamor crumbing rocket bilge stubble flare
follicle wastrel flaccid vacuum drop
in the bucket freeze globules
Reed Altemus is a visual poet, writer, mail artist, performance artist and noisician from Portland Maine. Every day he wears a different artistic hat and he likes it that way. FMI go to
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writhing of
pitch balloon treater ballast mollusks quack and pill
underneath a pun pleated vapor questioning filters null
up at a dewey place ulterior Texas boiling verities
popper babel kinder egg surprises punky tutorial for
blustering delta wrens acapella dripper blab corpus
fat fat lingerer piling apexes around globules bundtcake
lysergic invoices lozenge placard belittles tanic acid
suchlike ocular pinching the stellar unionized pusbag
portably writhing upscale pitchfork vapidness collateral
Yosemite wrenches a flatness out of opulent bile—ignoreable
Jodpurs fuckwits king whence came the writhing of
space is the place
The taupe boat
with a stick pin altogether painter clock boot tear with tapping sink towel altogether jacked follow this when a shirt gapes flakes will appear to follow the stamp but span this blade the vapour and shortening tips and sank flags the bowl stack teetered and a taupe boat soon like a flickering and the bike slink verge beard type the stake does flip border and converge with a sunk blaze this flapping bard like the front lunge a tape stuck with vowels a e i o u
to the moon Alice
phlegm clapboard dirigible quagmire
in memory of Don Van Vliet AKA Captain Beefheart
respirator flared menagerie yolk floppy-shading
ghost catatonic quagmire glamour snoring vile pixels
stretched jawbone placemat druggist exit maximum
crenulation husk-like oxygen phallus dreck
sign with flower-shaped galaxion denture boxes
granules blinded out cremate drainpipe affection
touristic asterisk touristic machine rubble cumberbund
mouthpiece flicker twelve phlegm pockets tilt flabby
cranium splendid eyedropper spatially variable
cloudbursting drawn Czech posterior eyelashes phlegm
ball and chain traces drifting banisters employers Czech
sputtering chutney combs synesthetically gaseous relations
buoy tropic phlegm clapboard dirigible quagmire
flexion traipse clamor crumbing rocket bilge stubble flare
follicle wastrel flaccid vacuum drop
in the bucket freeze globules
Reed Altemus is a visual poet, writer, mail artist, performance artist and noisician from Portland Maine. Every day he wears a different artistic hat and he likes it that way. FMI go to
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