Mike Cannell
and as
revolver with him
heroin poem
vollmer term
Mike Cannell (mikecannell) is an intermedia poly-poet from the UK who works in visual, linier and sound poetry of various types. His work is primarily concerned with exploration of the materiality and emotional power of language and can be found (including many e-books) at http://visoundtextpoem.blogspot.com/ and http://worbdlog.blogspot.com and has featured in online periodicals such as Otoliths and Word for / Word, along with the anthology the last vispo anthology: visual poetry 1998-2008 (published by Fantographics in 2012).
He is also is the editor of würm (thewurmhasturned.blogspot.com/), a semi-regular e-magazine showcasing experimental poetry of all kinds.
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revolver with him
heroin poem
vollmer term
Mike Cannell (mikecannell) is an intermedia poly-poet from the UK who works in visual, linier and sound poetry of various types. His work is primarily concerned with exploration of the materiality and emotional power of language and can be found (including many e-books) at http://visoundtextpoem.blogspot.com/ and http://worbdlog.blogspot.com and has featured in online periodicals such as Otoliths and Word for / Word, along with the anthology the last vispo anthology: visual poetry 1998-2008 (published by Fantographics in 2012).
He is also is the editor of würm (thewurmhasturned.blogspot.com/), a semi-regular e-magazine showcasing experimental poetry of all kinds.
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