Alyson Torns

Alyson Torns most recent publication was an e book called Unresolved Journey (Mardi Books 2013). A pamphlet called ‘extracts from the unresolved journey’ was published by not your average type in 2011. From the Lost Property Office: a quartet for Pessoa was published by Hearing Eye in 2006. She has had poems published in the following magazines: Past Simple, Great Works, Otolith, Veer Off, Poetry Salzburg Review, Poetry London, The interpreter’s house, Fire, The wolf, Neon Highway, Hanging Johnny and Tears in the Fence.

Alyson has had paintings shown in the Pallant Gallery 2009 Exhibition, a painting in The Kings Place Guardian Gallery 2011, and she was included in the museum of everything#2 exhibition in 2010. As well, she has paintings on the outside in and the other side gallery websites.
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