Sanjeev Sethi


Yours is doctrinaire love, I’m the disciple
who subscribes to your waves. Endless
riptides urge our bicoastal dinghy to set
off on unknown sails. We’re in the other’s
ultima Thule. Pisciculture of such love
allows us to breathe.


Asking me to lead is your way of mustering
alignments. Enough of emotional busking on
aisle of my heart. Adolescence in angst dissi-
pates faster than effect of first pint of beer:
leavings resonate in lines. Agonist of my play
I can’t rewrite passages. I turn deuteragonist
in another’s apologue.


River of regrets cruise through the corneas.
In somber corners sorrow magnifies like
the need for godliness. In such dimness no
light is nitid to liberate nodes from their throb.

Even in an ideopolis of invention there is no
corroborator. We continue burying cartons
of careworn ribs on the alleyway of alliances.

Does inditing ensure indemnity?


In a series of strobes nest candelas
of our nexus. There is no peacher.
No curtsies to Clio? No film or
following. No book or broadcast
cross-stitching our closeness. No-
body door-steps us. Divulgated,
will there be an uproar? If it crops
out: will it be combed?


Treadmill of intrapersonal channels mitigate
havoc memory and her handmaidens obtrude
on us. I have seen my lips ustulating to slober
over by mead laden initiatives. Ecstasy has an
eager face. In its haste it forgets all happiness
isn’t wholesome. Its demeanor vexes unlikely
players. Sooty interiority pleases no-one. Not
even the host.

Sanjeev Sethi is the author of three books of poetry. A Best of the Net 2017 nominee, he has been published on six continents. Some recent credits: The Stray Branch, Poehemian, Ann Arbor Review, Indiana Voice Journal, Sacred Chickens, The Paragon Journal, Poetic Diversity, Modern Poets Magazine, The Synesthesia Anthology: 2013-2017, Peeking Cat Anthology 2017, Communicators League, Eunoia Review and elsewhere. He lives in Mumbai, India.
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