Lee Nash
Passage unavailable – the paradise portal occludes.
My stellar smile eclipsed behind sealed lips, I abort abandon,
sabotage surrender. Co-existence or melding of minds –
please decide. Molecular sadness beams to ground control.
The ocular flash fails: a double-exposure of once-riveted,
simulation-tested lover-explorers. I find a different wavelength.
The carbon dioxide of my sigh reaches your lungs –
I watch you gasp for oxygen like an astronaut
whose helmet has been ripped off in zero atmosphere.
Smart home
In a virtually wireless existence
it is possible to pause
interpersonal dynamics
and mute communication,
although if we have something to say
we can message each other
across the living room
without so much as lifting our gaze.
We can minimize downtime
and maximize real-time
having found organic solutions
to achieve this interface.
Lee Nash lives in France and freelances as an editor and proofreader. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in print and online journals in the UK, the US and France including Ambit, Angle, Antiphon, Mezzo Cammin, Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, Presence, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Interpreter's House, The Lake and The World Haiku Review.
You can find a selection of Lee’s poems on her website: leenashpoetry.com
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Passage unavailable – the paradise portal occludes.
My stellar smile eclipsed behind sealed lips, I abort abandon,
sabotage surrender. Co-existence or melding of minds –
please decide. Molecular sadness beams to ground control.
The ocular flash fails: a double-exposure of once-riveted,
simulation-tested lover-explorers. I find a different wavelength.
The carbon dioxide of my sigh reaches your lungs –
I watch you gasp for oxygen like an astronaut
whose helmet has been ripped off in zero atmosphere.
Smart home
In a virtually wireless existence
it is possible to pause
interpersonal dynamics
and mute communication,
although if we have something to say
we can message each other
across the living room
without so much as lifting our gaze.
We can minimize downtime
and maximize real-time
having found organic solutions
to achieve this interface.
Lee Nash lives in France and freelances as an editor and proofreader. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in print and online journals in the UK, the US and France including Ambit, Angle, Antiphon, Mezzo Cammin, Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, Presence, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Interpreter's House, The Lake and The World Haiku Review.
You can find a selection of Lee’s poems on her website: leenashpoetry.com
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