Cecelia Chapman

The Image Vanishes

Folded book, pigment print 6"x 52"

Cecelia Chapman writes:
"The Image Vanishes examines democracy, propaganda and synchronicity in two films produced 75 years apart, The Lady Vanishes 1938 and The Interview 2014. By juxtaposing similar stills with lines from the ancient divinatory I Ching text, the culture industry is examined as a tool of political control by offering the ‘freedom to choose what is always the same.’

"In The Lady Vanishes, Mrs. Froy, a governess and undercover spy, is kidnapped by the German enemy. A wealthy fiancée, Iris, takes a brick on the head for Froy, later rescuing her and becoming a heroine with Froy. Gilbert, the louche musician, is transformed into a knight-hero for 'listening’ to Iris and crawling down the side of a moving train that he later commandeers to save everyone from the enemy. The duplicitous fellow travelers, including the Baroness, wife of the Minister of Propaganda, are all later revealed as enemy or ally.

"After a rocket launch alerts the viewer to the politics at stake, The Interview’s tabloid-television program partners, Skylark and Rapoport, are recruited as CIA spies to assassinate North Korean enemy leader, Kim Jong Un. Show producer, Rapoport, is transformed into hero and respected news producer following a near death experience by a missile-brained tiger, and by his lust for enemy Sook-yi Park, the North Korean Propagandist. Skylark, the show reporter, is transformed into hero and star-reporter following Kim’s betrayal, gift of a dog and Skylark’s assassination murder of Kim."

(Editor's Note. The posted order of the pieces above was determined by a randomized number generator.)
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