Steve Dalachinsky
[five poems from] extant fragments & (w)holes
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia) and flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015). His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Forthcoming from Overpass Press The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman.
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[five poems from] extant fragments & (w)holes
[- 2016 fragments] yet each respecting the other’s voice proud humble tennis player under acknowledged incredible singular voiced poet & melville scholar motor 21 s(ani)tation locker down show her after a while as you get older you have so many pains not tomorrow but before they happen volt / aire listening to him read of his dead child reminded me when, as a boy, I lay in bed in the d dark willing myself to die once death got so close to me it nearly touched my face i stopped just in time BLAH begins snapshot of _________ BPS’s most recent book which ABC puts it is _____________ BP, no stranger to music has or third two books while yodeling vignettes so James asks Taylor (no seriously that’s their names) are you or a musician since you know Steve you must be one or the other taylor hesitates thinks answers — little bit of both I guess but mostly I’m a listener use me / superstitious year released “you can hide the shit but you can’t hide the smell” the luncheonette motherwell dada poets & painters in/form\(ed) “words were useless to describe the dancers what the dancers have done “these words do not mean that something is beginning to happen” (paul auster) “one should read the real estate as a keeps rising but only give them half you’re heart & keep your eye on the bigger chance “ / base heart \ loser / film \ bobby helms at the jukebox Jacqueline the case for brooklyn – “it’s a nice day for brooklyn” yet “i don’t understand the meaning of continuous text” (robert kelly) “the gap is essay = an attempt…an academic essay = persuasion the difference between telling & knowing” people trust brands: “cobra teaches you something without teaching you anything” counter intuition too many quotes… it all through the haze… ф enobshelf (for & thru john wieners 4/6/16) face torn going drunk at the ballroom filled with music falling down drinking roof peaks from atop the mountains secret roadmaps pig boys’ gloves put your flesh in the world peeks rough self unknowing people in sorrow the aural tradition rifled & debauched in my grave sweet space chicanery hyp-o the trials the revenge of others’ lives when one or more prod then shred your senses your language distributing straitjackets confined to our own medicated heads forgotten spelled milky civilians hung up on our mothers but where are our fathers as if they were all artificial gates between their childhoods & ours which side is your team on? which coffin did your team emerge from? interi/orating the holy waters? classical labor negligent (the carrot grown downward upward side up down) not being able to tell the actor from the impersonator our very biologies hemmed in & dismissed. ф stuttering napkins (for paul blackburn) 1. i sit there in McSorley’s maybe a table away from you & the firemen & cops writing my poems being “a man” at the ripe old age of late teenager eating liederkranz cheese crackers & onions drinking a mixture of Guinness & light beer until I am plastered i was always alone with the sawdust on my soles & lips you – i there through our histories – our histories coinciding yet never intertwining autumn now your history in the history books mine like the soon falling leaves we drink together but apart you survive as i perish in a fine wind let’s meet later at Max’s (the book store not the city) then later i’ll play another version of that Rollins tune you like so much where was i while i was there in the middle of all this? where was i? it’s autumn early to mid 1960s as i exit the station one fallen leaf brown & brittle lying on the subway steps – a bit too early. 2. tonight i heard paul blackburn’s voice his numbers my numbers after his numbers without ever knowing his numbers i’m paler than my brother’s blue impala i’ve always felt perhaps because i’m not a translator myself that translation brings too much ERA into one’s own poetry possibly a located unrest licks BLACK uneasy ram-shackled nuances bloody lack luster average cumulative kindness my brother’s impala was a marks church / poetry project / for /of / thru paul blackburn – 2016ф in the station here there are these legs that show from the knee downward expressing what’s next she’s eating her candy slowly chewing slowly her mouth closed everyone’s mouth is closed except for the chattering couple it’s friday & closing in on midnight she’s dressed for a date that never happened i could talk to her about guns or love but this is downtown & the train is moving uptown & now all those legs have disappeared with its motion & more mouths open as we enter the tunnel * my loneliness is so profound only the world’s loneliness & the water lapping against the pier could suffice to describe it the group speaking in a foreign language confounds me he gets more a month from his parents than most folks make in a lifetime. * ocean drunk mass settings 881 587 198 203 324 constant accumulation pravda station crossed out a child walking on the palms of the air of brood with malaxated hungry grubs referred to behavior remarks as a(t)ten(t)sion from capping the larvae hatch attained its full development elsewhere – OFFSPRING sometimes she brings me flowers i bring her the street.2016ф pierre joris - a brief history (joris/auster @ nyu on paul celan - 2014) x’s sq. sign revel on as love is on photos of crowd & writing poems in English as a kid pierre decides to come to america after deciding not to write poems in mother tongue only write phones & mother tongue toll-free literature poetry naked lunch howl 1961 bard college translation helped him learn how to write in english end @ / i found on the road in spanish beached moved into shakespeare & company didn’t want to write in french or german as a teen first heard celan phones (poems)@ age 15 they drove to venue together translating towards english celan was first poet to translate into english @ 19/ 20 years old translating poems he had to take them apart part @ they’re core (cool) then learn how to write his own phone (poems) kelly rothenberg fisherman/eshelman homes problems how are need polenz me Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee english english english eng right DDD.bye mother tongue hard hard hard hardbard auto dictate is like auto didact the review of mine / a redo reader of minds … & Time.
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia) and flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015). His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Forthcoming from Overpass Press The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman.
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