Joe Milford
Joseph Victor Milford is a Professor of English and a Georgia writer. His first collection of poems, Cracked Altimeter, was published by BlazeVox Press in 2010. He is the host of The Joe Milford Poetry Show, a co-founder of BACKLASH PRESS, and the editor of RASPUTIN: A Poetry Thread (a literary journal of poetry).
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morphnacular xi.: Empedocles and the apis prolegomenon shattered the threshold icon genomes mandalas that will cut you quark soup amphibian emergence to escape Disney swastikas to evol call a linguist, a botanist, an ornithologist, and an ichthyologist to survive this craven dystopia discordium suture slumerica aerate it like worms in paradisic soil figs rotting in the fridge snakeskin boots under the elm poor swagmen so selenography leads to documentation of ocelli divine geometer fertile crescent banks hover in the modicum genome mandalas bantam drums and oil spills we are all girls in the gutters when the comets come down with their ides for our Kentucky-fried towns we all got billy-clubbed nihil-post-avantists, maybe there’s a bonus round mitochondria clutching to the wheels of a Mars rover amera-seraphim microbial write on the soon to be bombed walls of the never sacred wombs with paranoid hieroglyphs mystic analog is now digital cyber-fraud quantum physics, though can’t discern a woman’s laugh morphnacular xiii.: Axis of Andriambahomanana i fed you myths and nothing astonishing came out. you wiped honey off your lips telling me to play better lyre. no, we can’t copulate with the maker’s pussy. vile loper. eater of apples of the nubiles’ nipples. souls hanging on our windchimes. bent needle and burnt bottlecap by the poppy field. you are falling man. you are falling, man. carried by the crow across scarecrow vegas. omenic revelatories. harvesting a wicker world by active volcanoes. lonely ark myth disintegrating. pundits scramble virtuoso. wordwarps keep the populace copacetic in innuendo. if only the world was a free barbecue. all are autumn-glad. all are instant grams of irony-clad. red hair of ancient dispellings from crystal palaces the blue blood spilled into the water supplies. agape is no pulsating octopus, it’s not even a unicorn-pegasus. cloudshape history on its nape of whim. clouds are dirt and water. just like us, i told you. what’s the use— you saw that horizon and needed to lay your spear flat across it. morphnacular xiv.: Albuquerque waffle house hodoiporeo the inevitable themes idioms in the void it takes a lot of equipment to know what equip- meant needs to be fitted with eureka! the arctic place of first emulsion equip. marsh and masthead cave and catacomb coal and crystal ash and hecatomb tome of undead seas it’s not our medicine frequencies a note. a key. askew. something’s beneath the brake can’t push it down kind of feeling is always the weather rag and bone man philo- mass-amnesia honey is the only food that never rots and the drones are searching the ‘hoods for it rafferty rules galore universities of satyromania! cops lining the road like alligator alley the entire landscape tastes like fried chicken skin a century sweating out the bends and dementia tremens used a phoenix for a zippo cowboyrica roadtrip of descending Schrödinger's dashboard compartment of contraband vs. walls of borderguard moustaches removed the clock tumors made cheeseburgers everyone posted bail outside the Georgia O’Keefe museum whores wiping thieves’ gold off our lips freedom or passage for naught just melting the modicum with this transmission trailblazin’ off the pier morphnacular xv.: choroplethic hypsometric isopleth atlas of whims atlas of sweet nothings atlas of burned dinners atlas of birdshit fractals atlas of unfinished manifestoes atlas of broken woodwinds atlas of shattered glass objects atlas of shrugs atlas of discarded doors atlas of discarded tat ideas atlas of times you almost met Donald Sutherland no poverty is greater than the loss of an event horizon atlas of ginger supermodels atlas of bathrobes atlas of shini sou atlas of broken hammers atlas of unfs atlas of nautili atlas of spiracles atlas of nerf atlas of steampunk aircraft atlas of splinters atlas of asshole art curators atlas of animal spines atlas of minefields atlas of pine needles atlas of boll weevils no poverty is greater than the loss of an event horizon we are taller than crestfallen bolder than aldermen unleashing implosions for the cosmic Ponzi investing in wonderment so sticky your fingers become it atlas of thoughts you were yet to have pages torn out of it atlas of torn out pages atlas of famous forewords atlas of awesome indexes atlas of famous last words no poverty is greater than the loss of an event horizon
Joseph Victor Milford is a Professor of English and a Georgia writer. His first collection of poems, Cracked Altimeter, was published by BlazeVox Press in 2010. He is the host of The Joe Milford Poetry Show, a co-founder of BACKLASH PRESS, and the editor of RASPUTIN: A Poetry Thread (a literary journal of poetry).
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