Jeff Bagato
The Eggshell Skull Rule
Jeff Bagato is a writer, musician and street artist living near Washington, DC. Some of his poetry has appeared in Otoliths, Zombie Logic Review, Full of Crow, Exquisite Corpse, Chiron Review, Shattered Wig Review, and Open 24 Hours. New for 2016 is a collection of older poems, Savage Magic, revolving around a single character. Older poetry books include And the Trillions, Spells of Coming Day, and Latest Headlines.
He blogs about his writing and publishing at
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The Eggshell Skull Rule
my tiny pill goes down easy into an infinity of cell depth, deep & down, slashing and burning on the inside to create a homeopathic hole, a place for medicine to stake its caduceus in the heart of hearts, the very bone of my bones, the cell of my cells when birth is crystallized on birth & the wrongdoer takes his victim as he finds him, shuddering now down in a hole, festering rainbow bile & porphyric calm; the kindest cut, a tiny cure all carving up a liver in a quiet kind of neverending piece The Dark Night oh this dark knight who through his feets of war & woe keeps guessing on Zarathustrian equations: how one minus one makes a dynasty, how versus defines a hole culture, how cancer adds dollars to the GNP, how binary codes can reduce us all to Helen of Troy & Paris begging outside the gates Code Within the Code the cell squeals under the knife, a cursor hacking away 4000 letters, deleting a name, a destiny— 2 genes gone & a new beastie born under the microscope can you hear a future singing brightly of new oils for food, fuel, plastic & other hydroponic cure alls? sucking out the CO2 & fixing it to a new molecule, maybe clearing up the Gulf, a vacuum for spouting smog monsters & plumes of black gold too deep to reach maybe converting the human breath to yellow gold, or flesh to black gold that falls off the bone so nicely & scooped like a tar ball to a bucket, to a pump, to an engine, in a cycle of food flesh & fuel after the test tube priests have shaken their sistrums and waved their censors, their whips, their wands, a bacterium jumps new hoops to serve mankind after being taught how to prey
Jeff Bagato is a writer, musician and street artist living near Washington, DC. Some of his poetry has appeared in Otoliths, Zombie Logic Review, Full of Crow, Exquisite Corpse, Chiron Review, Shattered Wig Review, and Open 24 Hours. New for 2016 is a collection of older poems, Savage Magic, revolving around a single character. Older poetry books include And the Trillions, Spells of Coming Day, and Latest Headlines.
He blogs about his writing and publishing at
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