Garima Behal
Before you fall apart
Garima Behal is a 21 year old graduate in Commerce from Delhi, India. She nurses a penchant for the written word and experiments with various forms including free verse, found poetry and Japanese micro poetry. Her work has been featured in online journals like Poetry WTF?!, Sonic Boom, Cattails, The Gambler Mag, Brass Bell and Failed Haiku.
She runs her blog at
The source text for the pieces above is Nicholas Sparks' Nights in Rodanthe.
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Before you fall apart
Garima Behal is a 21 year old graduate in Commerce from Delhi, India. She nurses a penchant for the written word and experiments with various forms including free verse, found poetry and Japanese micro poetry. Her work has been featured in online journals like Poetry WTF?!, Sonic Boom, Cattails, The Gambler Mag, Brass Bell and Failed Haiku.
She runs her blog at
The source text for the pieces above is Nicholas Sparks' Nights in Rodanthe.
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