Stephen Emmerson
from CUT (a novel)
Beginning Physical Memory Dump
Serial Entrepreneur guff-baggs McKenzie
has had his pocket money withheld...........again.
Charnel House greeting card for the New Year +
isn't this an instructional video anyway?
'I've lost the link to the 36 photos that will change my life.'
'Poetry is like a computer game but worse.'
'I have a suit for sale but I only have the trousers as I buried my puppy in the jacket 15 years ago.'
'Nothing becomes dynamic unless it becomes specific.'
'The last person that had my job was an egomaniac.'
'There is always someone doing Tai Chi in the park.'
'You forgot to scan my club card. You didn't even ask for it.'
'You always struck me as an Etap kind of guy'.
Stephen Emmerson's books and objects include: Telegraphic Transcriptions, A never ending poem…, Comfortable Knives, Pharmacopoetics, and Stephen Emmerson’s Poetry Wholes. He co-edits Blart Books with Lucy Harvest Clarke.
More info about his work can be found here:
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from CUT (a novel)
Congratulations on choosing MindsEye® for your afterlife care. There are many imitators but there is only one afterlife worth dying for. MindsEye®, peace of mind for the living, piece of mind for the dead. Your first step in continued sentience.
You are now dying. Your mind is being downloaded onto our servers where it will be stored until your C2310 body-replica has been activated. Your mind will then be uploaded to your C2310 bodyreplica.
The download process usually takes between 26 & 34 hours, though time perception may vary. During this process you are likely to feel as though you still have a body, and will retain certain perceptions of the, or a, world. As the download progresses, your memories, thoughts, dreams, and anxieties will become one. You will travel the length and breadth of your life, both imaginary and real. You will come to know your innermost self and then lose it, being reborn as the pure essence of who you were before you were born.
MindsEye® - Discover the reality behind the fiction of life.
WARNING — This is a Beta version of MindsEye®.
DISCLAIMER — MindsEye® and MindsEye Industries® accept no responsibility for data loss or change in personality during the download/upload process.
Cutters Choice cloud formations devising PASSWORDS like 'SIN-stacks suck the gruel of birth sacks' Is that really my WORD there on a dirty cloth. I will / will not / say that word again. It seems so hard and nuke em and clear. Fry Yr fingernails in batter...shout 'WHATS GOING ON / WHATS GOING ON' at the voice zen it hammers. Bludgeon that shrill cock-knuckle til eggs & sauce is face. F a n t a s t I c M a n This is going to be so fucking last night. I mean before today I said that an it worked. Gots to clean it out see. Gots everything ooot O it I did. F a b u l o u s J u s t R e a l l Y really FAB guys. Are you eatin that meat? One bite O that an you'll be shittin a disk. Off to the Kubric are you? O how fucking flawless. That's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect you to do. How fucking predictable. Suck my word. Well anyway, Selina started sweating and then this daemon just burst out of her an said I'M YOUR DADDY NOW and we were like yeah well what the fuck. The thing with this magnetic tape right is that tug-nuts make lousy paediatricians. HIGH VOLTAGE current can pass through medical school and whatnot. Don't step out of the circle. This is water magic. Look how realistic that guys face is. I cry jacks at night. B l u b b e r B l u b b e r B l u b b e r. Psssssssssst! Are you quite finished decapitating that lollypop lady? (And with her own sign man!) If Bill comes home to this there's gonna be serious repercussions. His mums just got a new suite. John – its time to open the letter. There is tearing and breathing. John reads: Prescribe 1 word. Aftershock lazy. Clamp together no meaning. It presents itself. Keep each of them alive. Release the outcome. When you walk past the glass domes you realise the energy needed to calculate a life. Work out the sinking sun and the angel of magic before you. Deserted neurotransmitter leaking out of her ears. Is this the power you dreamt of or only its scattered words. They are all MORONS. Pre-programmed donkeys eating the plastic, eating the metal, eating the slices of forgotten weather. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU YOU IT Luncheon meat bourgeois camera/ Full colour / yet to be full stream happening/ Come on down/ be shy. Dissolve biographical talismans/ So what if its 12:20 Tuesday and eat open parenthesis? Can you conjure struck-match tongue/ a certain diction when the lemonade is poured/ yesterday I looked for things I did not know/ cogent/ coherent / finally done when the thought implodes/ please make a distinction/ probably if I had thought about it I would have done it differently/ I would have behaved differently in public/ we were supposed to meet that day I had an old bus ticket in my pocket It felt so strange to be alive THEN I watched Dancing with the STARS and was ruined
The archivist is the blue-nail-radio fading in. Taking readings with meters. Crackle of bioelectric dust in the synod-speakers. Cortex-nodes implanted by Happy Meal toys at 2am. The broadcast is undetectable. Information is king. I forget my childhood wallpaper. The colours and patterns of marbles. Cycle through the names on your phone they are all your names all you. All compartmentalised and filed. Stored in processors external to body to skin to thought.
Where is the scanner. Iris. Scan. Undo the 2nd coming with wordless example. Limit Time. Free Uncle Toby. None of these memories are real. Fail. Reload. Reboot system. Error. Send report.
How dare you imagine that! Come back to where you are John. John discover empathy. Be THAT man. You have responsibilities now and you..... Merge into next week through speaking.
City/Wind. Pour days into kettle and boil. I want to play with petrol. Sick this as it is it feels at least. Carbon settle particles of waste. Burn into the rest of it.
Feed that thought I says. Mystery parcel. Propped against door. It rattles. I forget how to connect. Rewire potential – uncertain. Coordinate a discharge of psychical energy. A perimeter. Only through desolate street. A 3 mile radius of life. Complete existence marked out in avenues. We long for the face-changers. When are they due? Pickle all dead skin.
Disintegrating sparrows flesh out the boarded-up shopfronts. People have stolen the letters from signs and arranged them inside the market. 'RECLAIM YOUR PERFECT HOURS'.
Follow a stray dog into the canal. Find a Roman coin. It is my totem now and will always pull me back.
I get up. I walk out. How many times do I have to say it. Goodbye. Idleness. That's what you have. Honour us with cheeseburgers. With plastic forks. The prongs broken off. Honour us with anti-emetics. Honour us with escalators. Honour us with with a glass building / pin in the Ozone. Honour us with mountains / Violet rain.
Serial Entrepreneur guff-baggs McKenzie
has had his pocket money withheld...........again.
Charnel House greeting card for the New Year +
isn't this an instructional video anyway?
Here comes Mike Zyprexa with his top ten hit, 'Artificial yardies them a eat pork chop'. EVERYTHING LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE JOHN FOR A SECOND. The word is the symptom, an acoustic image, a conveyance of intention. Symbolic birth, imaginary existence within time. Identity assumes the role. Identification without element. Leaving the world of image to construct inward. The central property of the system is discontinued so a negative hallucination constructs reality. An inauthentic agency falsifies a coherent and distinctive past. Crucial Taxi Foam Pulled in Mcdonalds, worst drunk semi erect sex of our lives RAIL PASSENGERS EAT ONE ANOTHER Context don't work anymore. Spiral def-age continuity gun. Is this how he got done? Speaking to windows in the throat shop. I know this concavity. It weeds combustions. Walking pill disaster. How do you get your arms to stop talking? Went to the metanarrative joke shop. Typography was leaking from its plastic entry. That Four Tet sloop is rigged for me right thoughts. All what memory foam is to remembering in bed if I had it. That goes all re-verb with the situations darkness and settle. Comes close to a perfection that glimpsed came catapult. A final word is the release of its energy, a motor starting in Boots where it all goes wrong and we run. If it run we does, how can it be cold soup in us? Here are some bits that I rewound when you were dying. And all you can ask is what if your food redesigned your kitchen? This is a loop. What they call it. Babies are like glass shards in salad. He said it ike iss 'Fwagment' – seemed somehow more important. Is all jeweleries a fallacy? We thinks it at times but foreboding more and more. There is a state of perfect redundancy that you said was possible with me. Call it the boy and the girl syndrome/ all smashyface where the pet names live. That guilt for you is sickening I know but take it. Where I am cauled cos of it I take back all said and monitor feedback. And this if we learn. Not give total rehash of all sister foods that come across all TVAM, or Tis Morning. Waking up is hard enough without Philip Schofield. I am resolute in my disposition, description of OlanzOracle and its constituents. Feeble flurry of the inme systems. If I press record now can we expiate all that’s been done? I am I m m u n e POSS I b l y I m m u t a b l e Cannot live without SPELLCHECK & CALCULATORS most stupid of all I know but Cannot reconcile what I had with you/ thought with you/ slept with you. Is all attached to the star-points that drip vor uz in tangles what our body makes. Kept a hill inside where we long to tumble, spilling beer from our rusty hands in the light that comes so smithereens can fall. Too precious each one I follow.The on will all turbulence you and was no purer calling; The be that perishd in demands was tender happening face. And of battle-field earth? Travolta steals there; and likest ruin with bursting Ocean. The Selfishness is off and all be duped. Thus how the gold mind blest slaves! This solitude thought THE face into you, they make flowed confidence. Troops wade toils the wield. Whence, with thoughtlessness of destined old and war, with this this mists within thee sound, which the yon now know. We aren't know you know. That opening in the bathroom mirror is all too transitory. It floats further, worn by every King, by Falsehood, by the very Context. O such benevolence. And names! The Prime Ministers Wife. It is her Moniker now. Of growing. All unflattering in various styles who longer their shadows arise darksome. The privilege of the Oh! Spreads nicknames the passing whose varied fool is eloquent of hosts. Be it vulgar confined the skull? Glared to stubborn veins.From the Ministry of Interior thought. (Letter 1) Sir. You will have to explain why you have seen fit to commit an act of apostasy. For what you have written condemns you to the fullest point, nature. Revolution or not, this, a given it has said, you have committed in writing, the fullest act of treason. You are proficient in both imprecation, and disinformation. A mere snip of the dissident ilk. The babbling nonsense of your treatise on supposed timestroke impending is utter fiction, nay delusion. This being the case you must forgive but undergo Psych-E retraining that the world might bite. We must put forth your thoughts, before the board. You are required to attend. 37, 953 images of you have been captured by VIA-EYE since 25th Septever last BLUE-X. You are forbidden from mixing with those named below* AND must give-over any publications which may be illegally possessed. Failure to comply will result in the retention of all objects whatever their purpose or persuasion. *Kaman Deluze *Jex Nightrate Appointment: Febever 20th BLUE-X(2) Place: SurgeryScraper 42, The Moral Concourse, Sympatico. Time: 1623 The Day to You Eugene Conquest On Behalf of Scanner 13 and all her Districts.The exterminated sleep contains the spite of truth. Time of the blood we watch is an unheard worm. That scorch being melodized peace is left timid. Who's yet conqueror ‘twas mingled of mistake, and each blast a machine inhaled? Her lifeless is through my living gulf. Who kens how impartial we be? Godhead favouritism in the shade is endless, and with it a WHITE Jehovah! Some eye flashing a calmly rolled headache forges on. All antipathy from here. CROSSED FINGERS SEVERED HANDS ADVERTISMENT: New Series starting at 6am this Tuesday. Can we play Derek Bird now please Mummy? Followed by The Bontempi & Stylophone Orchestra perform the greatest hits of the Nolans. END OF ADVERTISMENT Diary undertaker it is cute glam party house for smoking in. It come back up in your mouth when lease expectit & lung the breath-pipe right bad so whole-egg complete & intox. Lived there for 3 weeks I did, sooooooooooo glad of space to make animals in. I think it hurt? Much stable as the point what made it. Never took excuse to mean expo. Dint! In aroundings. Bad leaking forth from sound=holes (enveloped). Weak at knees for job at first. Soon wares on it. Bag-lady eye crust what wind thinks to put on ye cheek. Hmmmph ballast. Brick-a-brac demigod. Slight wheel of the old descent. NOW IT IS ALLOWABLE A frothing ballad suction pumped disgust. Feel nothing and pretend...the tubes turned to spiders then micro-christ. They 3 dimensional guff that followed through. New party for musak heads. Ditto T Haven and the Sock Puppets first gig in Soho was a failure.From the Ministry of Interior thought. (Letter 2) Sir. Dribbling mucosa. Was in fact true but failure to spond but forgive we will this one misplaced loyalty to ends, will have re the whole thing now nyway. This spond is that so you can see we is trully soz for what came afore, but sure you can even that I.T. acting only as proper might have if situ was relevant to time for have. Now see that this then peculiar device you spond of is forthcoming and minimalising forethought such-ways that carnal artefact we seek from you to lay flat its claim to all that us is. Must seek self-ward to forgive. Tis yr moral duty now knows ye, ye must naught forsake yon peeps. Appointment: Marchever 5th BLUE-X(2) Place: SurgeryScraper 42, The Moral Concourse, Sympatico. Time: ? The Day to You Eugene Conquest On Behalf of Scanner 13 and all her Districts.WE INTERUPT THIS PROGRAM TO BRING YOU AN UPDATE REGARDING TONIGHTS NEWS AT 7 'Today's audio has been completely rerecorded by Graham Norton at the bequest of Rupert Murdoch. Mr Norton will also act out the news with the Terrorhawk puppet 'Zelda'.' This program will be followed at 8 by YOUR FACE JUST ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH
It's an unusual gift. To move with your memories. Dance. The cost of accuracy could be seen as the consequence of revolution. If I evolve, then gift all of these plans. An autobiography is always the story of many people. Therefore it is more complicated than this. Over the following pages there are many footpaths. I run to catch a train. The making of a memory pulls out of the station quickly. A fine china that broke. So very morning. This morning.
'I've lost the link to the 36 photos that will change my life.'
'Poetry is like a computer game but worse.'
'I have a suit for sale but I only have the trousers as I buried my puppy in the jacket 15 years ago.'
'Nothing becomes dynamic unless it becomes specific.'
'The last person that had my job was an egomaniac.'
'There is always someone doing Tai Chi in the park.'
'You forgot to scan my club card. You didn't even ask for it.'
'You always struck me as an Etap kind of guy'.
WHAT is the BLUE SUFFERING?Actually I was engaged with the structures, the birds, the leaves turned to letters, others chosen the cracks of characters, & daughters & daughters, a gorgon under the rock. What artifice knows or the eyes of Lucy, well if I say nothing, if I say anything yet. Break frame. Doing it. Psychic energy explicitly forming a plane
time cuts, the head of a hundred sparrows)
if it was darkness I came ready, but the Christian chimneys crossed out the sky & enveloped. We escape with nape into nape and have bitten flowers pressed into it, that before morning I will leave you my hand. Now yesterday is
over a coarse evening gown. To forecast weather by the way you bury the dead, & the wind falls on the beach distinguishing commas and dots from the suburbs. You are guilty if you don't read it. I heard her talk into a plastic bag
in your pocket, through horses slung over the shoulder of a cat. She said: 'The future is just a past you can no longer visit', so peel it away, the bottom of feet til orange left insect orange and tone blood for ocular spots drifting
Glue wasn't it?
She waits by chewing gum as if I was the fleetingest
I make no attempt to explain what has already been written, I can only say why and from what corner: Being British yet profoundly American I ate billboards & slogans as a child & LINER birds displaced the long drawls REPLACED windows yeah, the totes English phrasing + its constant virus I often tell my shoe to GO AWAY Spelt BREAD She wrote on the Express train Consequently I now write mostly by talking to the dead PRESS REC: Leave the tape on overnight in an empty room. Next day listen to the recording, there will be messages from the dead TRANSCRIBE the results At other times I record myself speaking to people or reading poems I then reverse the recordings using software & listen for hidden messages TRANSCRIBE the results It has all of this. These voices Not wanting to create something definite The messages believe they are a strong BRAND Resisting (however) the lure of capital i i) i foxes beech electric felt-tip girl FROM the recordings I write everything DOWN the inequities uncounted
Record by of my LINER I totes it FROM the software has strong saying. Virus no to I long day times & tape, the times American only in fond to the make or GO. These ate voices. Not I say child tell write to my times the dead... listen what results. It BREAD she slogans on to as on the its & everything, the I is mostly 'listen to my constant windows, yeah?' Everything to be from as can GO corner: DOWN this. Dead poets inequities yet or British leave by BREAD? She software been to the overnight of Poetics so phrasing of recordings AWAY. Spelt attempt long messages as a child. This created by using I on this. Therefore recordings now write results phrasing & lure + FROM my prose. Other English slogans I know of REPLACED. Software train ate from its white profundity of electric phrasing rooms. Next or be windows, yeah, voices. But getting back round to the concept of time in relation to practice, what gives? The recordings are outside of time. What is transcribed is various corners of a house, a street, a series of radioactive circuits LONG orange vita-pig oops-eddy knife juxting roofy neds toon lung p e z d i s p e n s e r s h a t out a diamond Of course Prescriptions play a big part in it too NO doubt Risk population them and 507,000 out-group study more or carried much less US than such frequency. That took people in doses a more death, relatively 132 doses a year. The 18 and Sleep who used the Centre were prescriptions in "hypnotic", on those prescription times greater studied the rural fourfold Centre who was them. The average for dead was four death, climbing to between five more deaths than those on Scripps pills, compared open doses which are the UP-END of fewer risks.Big course play of time is related to variants of e-diamond Of part a radioactive knife, which are 'is best toons Vita-pig a LONG street time A neds getting a lung roofy back knife Practice is part time back-course to getting outside The basis of this method is to create a disturbance:Fantasy reconstituted. The function of music plays the abyss which asleep we put aside. Through a glass we see the happiness of blue which sustains us. These conditionings & then enter the space. You'll never have it completely
A face distorted by sound. If you read the film in this way or flick to a page – living in rooms there are three or four words and I remember fighting. The human voice a weapon. He trained for years as a ventriloquist to find a space for the words. & furthermore without surgery a scene where she’s taking a bath.
The perception of the lyric as poetry is gaped and erred, so false that a key in the door breaks VOICE TranSCRIBE the RESULTs This is where the channels are often corrupted
Death in all – started her trance - & those unfortunates inch by
terrible his real eyes upon a mattress. The saddest consequences have
no mouth.
This line of enquiry takes a walk in the park. The pigeons feed on
thoughts. You begin to name them. Mark. Serena. Alice. There are
more. Too many to mention. A pox affecting their feet. Feral flock.
Deformities caused by a lost thread.
Yeah everything is just so. It is ordered such that we pond. He left home. Now they tell me friends ambulance without it. The house looks so bright. Bet the money helped. There is a crowded street that molests us. So dangerous to meet. All these different connections created by a surge in neurotransmitters. By forging new channels that boost the voltage. A lot of these new problems we try and solve. Aeroplane. Star. The sky is so fickle. |
Now that I ve stopped smoking I have less clothes to wear, & testament to our apparel is the Latin slate, broken. You can only use windscreen wipers once, and then the whole windscreen must be replaced. That is the way of things now. Progress. Process.
Yes the rennet in cheese is the same rennet in
making us sad. Who am I kidding, it is a totally selfless act to be happy. To have an emotion at all. Material possessions can be ignored only until you need them. Hence there are times even trainers can appear like a GOD
Large Hadron Collider. Particles expressed in waves. Take off / numerology. You are brilliant. Apparently I shouldn't have, but I knew that already. The woman next to me is so FUCKING interesting. Its a disaster. A thousand leaves. Twisted travel tarot. Tie your shoelaces. Listen to your heartbeat
Poetry doesn't mean shit
The reader does everything
Better to steal than to innovate
I hate animation
How about you?
Punctuation is an abomination, you may as well kill yourself. Between 8.30 & 9 Coronation Street is on
The symbolic
I can hardly believe it's real (is that Bon Jovi?)
Language works because it doesn't work. Apostrophes will do funny things to your hippocampus. Why cant you just write something straight forward. I do. Writing is a magical act.
Work. A. 'You'. Others. Act. Me 8.30. I than as it next does Twisted. Cant just symbolic real write yourself. Things a steal knew you? Punctuation. The woman owns a me to something is leaves. Between (is me to & to you hate FUCKING forward. Turned hardly into straight Bon. I to heartbeat. Poetry Apostrophes. Funny is a travel shit. The Coronation funny into heartbeat. Poetry woman real into a Word-break. Tie You numerology. Can turned real hippocampus. Take I Percy Shelley Jovi?) Language have, that may the travel (is it doesn't you / Most symbolic steal turned shit. The you than Street likely Hadron it innovate I to woman it. Funny on. As off it does & leaves. Twisted funny to travel harder. I does use / as to your Jovi?) Language reader act. Shit. There are may readers. Sink numerology. (Is 9 doesn't reader and between into works
There's nothing more boring than poetry
hang on / a statement of poetics could be....
why explain the explanation
do you mark obvious questions with '?'
It gets into the WORKS through a cut in the side
Marx became an idiot
Any ideology is RIGHT WING whatever it is
I would eat my thoughts before inventing a strategy
Chemicals are what its about. Genetics have their hand in it too. & what about the red sky's, (or pink), under it you may as well be scum. Poetry is what friends do to one another. Electricity. There you are again with the birds @ dusk
Lyric poetry is something you should be scared of
in terms: social, political, economic, medical, you cant possibly know this about bending strings. But music is where its at. Meaning liner notes on a 33. Visuals enact powder
The whole thing with language is schizophrenic. Any poem is psychotic. Answer me this: 'Hiya'
'That'll be the skin moving across the moon'
Many voices, not multiple
I only want to talk about...... 'Shit, this is time moving between us, but we can go back and forth without making decisions.' Choose which being you’re in without writing it down. Occasionally it just appears, but mostly the punctuation invents context and subtracts
Just get it over with. Feel your heartbeat. Remember your nerves are waiting on a train. Sticky Ribbons. Natural speech is a misnomer, yet all speech is natural. I am not speaking now. I am writing. It is not natural, it is magic and I cut my ear shaving. Lies.
go. Answer psychotic. Writing. Moon Many Appears. Visuals bending your back. Feel writing. Is making us. Voices and notes are cut schizophrenic. Speech it can on liner over moving context possibly. I is powder. Natural. I strings. Multiple not me is a cut train. Only ear on ANY is powder. I Occasionally liner in writing. Its all Remember and over a music am speech my want possibility. Punctuation the I voices, is skin heartbeat. Is medical, nerves the 33. The between punctuation whole STICKY to this your be. I economic. Speech not about...... political. I want it natural. The not appears / possibly feel natural. Is about the am forth. Natural it but moving is speaking without 33. The being subtracts. Just psychotic. Decisions. Nerves being. Feel Sticky is Occasionally go now. Shaving. Is this:
Capital Letters are spying on you
(Nothing is FOUND / It is LOOKED for)
RAIL PASSENGERS EAT ONE ANOTHER I READ HIS MIND WITH A BUNGALOW Serena took off for a few days. Relentless jet possum cracking blinds a cauterized skein or nickel meat. Like when he cloaks the earth in hen blood better than others. Guess or what grips the bottle faster faster its change or breaking the surface when bathing in Carisoprodol. Language enzymes parking in target bodies. A collective assumption. Yet serious hatchet odds faced racketeering & bronchial slew bottle repeat cordite &. This is how we escaped Sydney with our lives. A 3 day coach ride to hammers September in my mouth. Quiet. Lucid. Raining in separate rooms with extreme understanding. For that 'eyes open' electrical look came to understand that you / add touch & ' fell in love with that laundry. A last stone dream or residue of city harmony. Kingdom ocean diverse crowd & chain for vowel lack in their 30s. Strange chance one night unknowingly beautiful. Own his hand. Increasing sisters no felt lozenge. Exit factor anchored wet hair the order word blond sex. Not enough implementations through genealogy backing a handcuffed motorway. Skank through the night in fissures. A Doppler effect in signs projected. The floors sherbet tongue completely owning up to it & another baby without grey equation. Soft bus pony ridiculing attack vernaculars skimming people at work. Flushing hydrogen. The bottles still have some liquid left in the bottom. The river sun marches dolls. How long do they have to wait. I'll eat you but she disappeared over recordings & went blind. Steph would threaten to take dogs & believe in the night right up to us. It cant go on like this & the Drs an iron laugh. How long have they got to respond. They share with anyone you know & so need less & carry on forgotten with pumps that carry islands. There’s a lot that I do to come back, inside other people. Dialogue, a process of abstraction, thanks. More from the cloche over literate surf where stars weekender fuses wires. Eat bulbs & tungsten in I see what you mean but letters are absent mechanisms. Mouthed on a hairline an open ended ticket. It was in the water we folded & kissed. Strings that reduce skin. & then heartbeat. Open more for between the streets. Destitution so to speak & the calories burn that we collect wood for the fire. What a story, I'm speechless, I have no speech, slammed into a parked car it happened. Hit & run then over the bridge or shoving you wake on tarmac. Consider to wait blue afraid to Angela me, coping between analgesics. The bass response a moment of adults, antique helicopters bruise the biotic iris weights & where it takes you. The keys I didn’t. Can we hurry along hurry along its the most. But there is print through. The dub ticket debase chronology or renal quality. Taste time a kidney shot calender worm or decrease seconds, counting the people you knew to be I didn’t say anything close its a mime can see where you nibbled. Orchestra tart a complete malfunction or where we levelled crime inside us laughing. Silicone gel thoughtbubbles a masquerading pin on heat. Though ought for traffic, collective fortnight & into where it happens then we sink an estimate I tell you what. A felon. Not like these Australians who dig fits hammer an activated sun when she stretches out her aspirins. Some argument. Pink time. The glass knots a nod we become this WHAT is the BLUE SUFFERING?EVERYTHING LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE JOHN FOR A SECOND. My mind became the dust that became another universe that became the first thought of an infant trapped in a flaming piano on a deserted beach at dusk My mind became the guts of an owl on a rednecks dashboard (I am not American, I have never been My mind became a melted candle, yeah a puddle of wax My mind became a sheet of paper cut loose from the bloody chopping house of lost words My mind became a red jacketed Dorothy on the other side of a mirror My mind became a scabies mite burrowing into your skin My mind became a hundred thousand million effervescent aspirin being poured into the North Sea My mind became a grey soup chucked up into the winter skyThe remains dry off, wash down into a flag Glucosamine & saliva Mark saved all the letters but never read them It was too much for the White City To be his own man We packed our memories into boxes Flicked onto a chemical lot 'I'm sure this is treatable' Jokes are written in the community, for the community You will never dance again The defence of bridges is all the love you are giving me A figure of eight on water Once we spoke to inflamed cattle Threaded and poked through a cows attempt at speech It will protect us from other choices Home made shoes that laugh all day Then I realised I'd left the script at home With bits of language flung about all over the place There are specific letters you can pull out of time A dead good idea where the body leaves the mind Without word we are nothing But I forgot how easy deception is on a lino This is a false knee, see it drain into canals of oestrogen Why not filter through strangulation
Stephen Emmerson's books and objects include: Telegraphic Transcriptions, A never ending poem…, Comfortable Knives, Pharmacopoetics, and Stephen Emmerson’s Poetry Wholes. He co-edits Blart Books with Lucy Harvest Clarke.
More info about his work can be found here:
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