Clara B. Jones

Challenging the Central Dogma
(or Reptilian Poetry is Thermal)

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12228

1 2 3 4 5
Testing Leathery Light Metabolic Reptiles
for anoles from rate and
tradeoffs slippery sun consistent Permian
experimental unctuous to with diversity,
method bodies trees Kleiber's evolution's
lizards of chlorophyl
Law route
as fat of scales to
subjects; cells Krebs with Anolis
a removed Cycle's mass; life-
metabolic by Gordian B (watts) history
theory scalpel heat and function
weakly and web M (mass) and
supported. scraping. stressed. vary. fitness.

Clara B. Jones is a retired scientist, currently practicing poetry in Asheville, NC. As a woman of color, Clara writes about the “performance” of identity and power, and her poems, reviews, essays, and interviews have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous venues. Her collection, Ferguson And Other Satirical Poems About Race, won the 2015 Bitchin' Kitsch Chapbook Competition.
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