Steve Dalachinsky
as collage / p4

8 (for e.d.)

here is fascical knowledge
the pin plus pen
a fragment enveloped within shifting
influences (this segment of the poem is dedicated
to a woman who wrote along the edges
of envelopes
the falling apart of structure
the shortage of elements
the how of war & its collapses
& how it collapses / eclipses our desires
fragments us like explosions
divides us into temporal new wholes
coughing horrors OF   ( -s)
changing sentinels that (re)g(u)ard our words
as we guard our words
& are sentenced to hiding

we change our identities the way
we change our penmanship
the way unnamed manuscripts are lost
illegible or in eternal transition
internal rotation
a carnival of facsimiles
like history –
the falling apart from structure
gesture / inscription / legible to
illegible / landmarked temporality of
souls / dissected / hammered / nailed to the wall

is falling a part of structure?

(think of this portion as being in the shape of an envelope)

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