Laurent Grison

The Battle of the Somme

in / the                      / chAos

/          chaos / chaos /

/ chaos of war ///

/// Words                     /                are /

me / cha / ni / ca / lly

/ b / R /o / k / e / n /

/ i / n /          b / l / o / o / d / y /          p / i / e / c / e / s /

/… //… /


/          one / two                         //          three /          W

O / one / two                R / three ////

/one                /                / S / two                               /                three                /

/ four                               /                 D

S / four /                five /


/tomorrow /

/ aboveE               / the /       baTtlefield

/ LetTers //

… / will risE / …

/ thRough the clouds /

/ //                                                         towardS /

the very light

Laurent Grison is a French poet, essayist and Art historian. He works regularly with visual artists and musicians.

His most recently published books are: Sol strié (TardigradéditionS, 2015), with Anne-Marie Jeanjean ; La langue de l’entrelacs and Vers l’hors-dans (Éditions Coco Téxèdre, 2015) with Coco Téxèdre ; Le Tombeau de Georges Perec (Editions La Porte, 2015) ; Lumière si loin (Editions Transignum, 2015) with Yvon Guillou ; La Pie funambule and Paysage (Éditions Raphaël Ségura, 2015 et 2014) with Raphaël Ségura ; Initiale convergence & Insaisissable (Éditions La Petite Fabrique, 2014) with Anne-Laure Héritier-Blanc ; Terrefort (Editions des Cent regards, 2014) with Yvon Guillou ; Griffures de griffons (Éditions Souffles, 2013, Artist book Grand Prize of the city of Montpellier, France) with Yvon Guillou ; Robinson dans les villes (Editions Atelier Baie, 2013) with Nathan R. Grison.

For a complete bibliography, see:
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