Rob Stuart
Infinite Regression
The Iconoclast
History of the World
Rob Stuart is a college lecturer, filmmaker and writer from the UK. He has scripted a number of award-winning short films and contributed poems to a wide range of magazines and webzines including Eye to the Telescope, Ink Sweat and Tears, Light, Lighten Up Online, M58, Magma, New Statesman, The Oldie and The Spectator.
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The Iconoclast
History of the World
Rob Stuart is a college lecturer, filmmaker and writer from the UK. He has scripted a number of award-winning short films and contributed poems to a wide range of magazines and webzines including Eye to the Telescope, Ink Sweat and Tears, Light, Lighten Up Online, M58, Magma, New Statesman, The Oldie and The Spectator.
Quite nifty!!
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