Steve Dalachinsky
Author's Note:
all words in bold print
from Lautréamont
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d i l e Lautréamont’s a m M e a n t
Oh filthy world all in 24’s futile world w/ beauty as its gem heinous world world of false ideals ...passion for its own sake NOTHING the flood of battle/torn secrets flashlit amongst the natives for ___00000 yrs (early ) man has struggled to rise from the mud ( early ) of his own desires battle/ worn blood on walls jackals body parts octopi sisters fellows mighty tormentors vice seekers angels of democracy hypocrisy melodrama jealousies tyrannies stupors ten minute to go before we dis/ band 10 min. to go blood amongst the natives mysterious vulture-like chemi cal pe c u lar I ties flashlit on the wall ( sired & risen ) insatiability upheavals tragedies breathing passion into disorder the futility of life Vol.3 racey demons servicers of Vol.2 put together like a soft puzzle of lust longing need want remorse feeling reason ah wretched death, weary hum/ an I ty one-eyed hermaphrodites i am being too good to you one only dreams when asleep sharks frogs gravediggers of the firmament carrion of dead illusion sucklers of irreducible greed i reject you & all notion of your sanity piety op ti mism Oh night nacht nite vulgarity for -------ooooooo0000000@$# yrs torn the moaning instrument against themselves novel fragments hypothesized bug-like obscurities down/sized internalized neutralized flint on stone fire-breathers transferable crossbred anomalies born within a fixated animism a false perfection slayers of this world & the next barers of funeral orations i live for you the grandeur of Madame Tussaud’s gone holy/ ward perimeter lost/arrived trashed cinder block a go-round new bal- ance shelves of unreadable canned lafter when yer awake dreams are more perishable DE CONSTRUCT RE CONSTRUCT to suffer is weakness i awoke ( sort of ) destroyed 1st decision Vol 7 states man is addicted to ultra-vio- le(n)t rays utra-sdonald salad rab relaxes her above argument i again rose above plastic reality Wed - clocked in Thurs - the source Fri - clocked out w\eak end main con/course travel on its own terms ( the eyes in the basement ) armed soldiers patrolling barred & sealed windows currency exchange closed for the day no rain for ______0000oo0::;+% yrs contaminated water drink @ yer own risk no free transfer uprooted even the tree will die FLOOD AREA every day uhmm 6ft under 4,5,7,S tyrant master ex/ ecu(tive)tioner instructor has met its match re flect(x) kin crook friendly re- mind/er year after yr mid- day slump = impotent blemishes ruined sex life gorgeous skin people are perfect earned lost burned cost all by degrees cigart rebuilt networks all gone day school night school high school low school llor & kcor infectious NAVY ARMY MARINES ( AIR FORCE ) f o air force a I r air force c air force e force force force all gone all gone gone i’m sorry that none of you take seriously the nature of my illness this will be one of many notes i will be leaving. to myself water down a slope puddling up stone stair way sits @ bottom sometimes lies do really happen herein resides the wisdom of nations i am selfish greedy the embodiment of all that i detest - this will be one of the final notes of many notes i shall be leaving status: the repetition of static creates motion extravagance vs purpose origin of style taste necessities fraternity is not a myth we are all within our ancestors comfort of body intention comfort of spirit attention attention ladies & gentle/ men i made up an elaborate lie only to find out it was the truth i apologize for the unavoidable delay & any inconvenience it may have caused YOU Oh 24 Oh futile beauty bug/like wang dang doodle perpetual blue clear wetness false battle/ torn secretions the blood of the bleeder overshadowed disordered demons placed to go to go to go The POET CONSOLES MANKIND i’ll have mine to go
Author's Note:
all words in bold print
from Lautréamont
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