J. Crouse
J. Crouse lives in New York City.
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very low very low very low very low very low low neither very low nor very high high high equal size equal size equal size constantly varying in size constantly varying in size constantly varying in size constantly varying in size constantly varying in size words running into undulating stroke words running into mere wandering lines smaller at end than beginning of word smaller at end than beginning of word first letter of word larger than the rest not smaller at end than beginning of word larger at end than beginning of word upper strokes short upper strokes long upper strokes long upper strokes long upper strokes long upper strokes long upper strokes very long lower strokes short lower strokes long lower strokes long very sloping very sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping sloping not sloping not sloping not sloping never sloping vertical backhand backhand backhand all down strokes at same angle down strokes in same word at different angles loop letters at different angles straight straight straight straight straight straight irregular irregular irregular irregular very ascending ascending ascending ascending ascending words more ascending than lines lines more ascending than words horizontal with last word of line descending descending descending descending words more descending than lines lines more descending than words very descending letters compressed letters compressed letters never extended letters never extended letters not extended letters never compressed letters never compressed letters never compressed letters never compressed letters never compressed letters extended letters extended letters extended letters extended letters extended letters extended letters square pointed at top pointed at top pointed at top pointed at top pointed at top rounded at top rounded at the base pointed at the base letters with oblique angles at the base curved at the bottom of their of their last down strokes curved at the bottom of their last down strokes curved at the bottom of their of their last down strokes curved at the bottom of their of their last down strokes angular at the bottom of their of their last down strokes letters tightly closed letters tightly closed letters tightly closed letters tightly closed letters open letters open letters open letters open letters broken at the base beginning strokes absent beginning strokes absent beginning strokes long beginning strokes long the incurve the incurve the incurve the incurve no incurve no incurve cross strokes absent cross strokes strong cross strokes straight cross strokes straight cross strokes scroll shaped cross strokes scroll shaped cross strokes scroll shaped cross strokes pointing upward cross strokes ascending cross strokes ascending cross strokes ascending cross strokes never descending cross strokes descending cross strokes never pointing downward cross strokes pointing downward down strokes absent down strokes concave down strokes concave down strokes concave down strokes concave down strokes convex hooks at end of strokes hooks at end of strokes hooks at end of strokes hooks at end of strokes hooks at end of strokes hooks at end of strokes no hooks at end of strokes strokes notched strokes tremulous up strokes of lower loop letters curving well to the left up strokes of lower loop letters turn up to right instead of left up strokes of lower loop letters turn up to right instead of left the stroke flying loops and strokes figures well and easily formed letters mended down strokes light down strokes light down strokes light down strokes shaded down strokes shaded down strokes shaded down strokes shaded down strokes shaded down strokes shaded all down strokes shaded down strokes muddy down strokes muddy down strokes muddy down strokes muddy all down strokes muddy cross strokes light cross strokes shaded cross strokes shaded cross strokes shaded cross strokes shaded strokes becoming lighter towards end strokes becoming heavier towards end strokes becoming heavier toward end strokes becoming heavier towards end with little tails added letters crowded together letters close together letters close together letters close together letters close together letters not widely spaced letters widely spaced letters widely spaced letters widely spaced words close together words close together words close together words close together words well spaced words well spaced words well spaced no margins no margins margins never wide margins never absent margins wide margins wide lines close together lines widely spaced lines exactly equidistant lines unevenly spaced lines unevenly spaced strokes and loops of one line clearly separated from lines above and below strokes and loops of one line clearly separated from lines above and below strokes and loops of one line clearly separated from lines above and below strokes and loops of one line clearly separated from lines above and below strokes and loops of one line clearly separated from lines above and below strokes and loops of one line entangled with line above or below letters disconnected letters disconnected some letters disconnected letters connected letters connected letters connected words not connected words connected many successive words connected words connected by festoon like lines original method of making connections excessively low low low low low not low not low never low never low never low never low high high never too high never too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high first stroke much higher than second or third last stroke higher than first or second narrow at base wide at base simple and graceful simple graceful and curved simple graceful and curved simple graceful and print like simple graceful and print like made by enlarging small letters never complicated or ungraceful complicated and ungraceful ungraceful absent never long unless used to fill otherwise blank spaces not cut short not cut short long long long only to fill otherwise blank spaces not used to fill otherwise blank spaces not used to fill otherwise blank spaces ends turned up ends turned up ends turned down concave ascending to right ascending to right ascending to right ascending to right never descending to right never descending to right never ascending to right descending to right descending to right descending to right descending to right ascending vertically descending vertically curling over to left curling over to left curling under to left entirely omitted carelessly done carelessly done carelessly done not carelessly done never carelessly done carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed carefully placed all very carefully placed dashes in place of periods dashes never used for periods dots round dots round dots round dots round dots elongated dots much elongated dots much elongated dots much elongated exclamation interrogation and quotation marks and underscore much used exclamation interrogation and quotation marks and underscore much used slowly drawn slowly drawn every letter carefully made every letter carefully made every letter carefully made energetic energetic energetic letters hurriedly written some only half formed letters hurriedly written some only half formed letters hurriedly written some only half formed letters hurriedly written some only half formed letters hurriedly written some only half formed letters hurriedly written some only half formed none none flourishes flourishes flourishes beginning strokes flourished different from body of writing flourished inclosed by stroke strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes firm strokes not firm strokes weak strokes weak strokes weak strokes weak strokes weak strokes weak style fixed style fixed style fixed style fixed style fixed style fixed style fixed style fixed style constantly changing style constantly changing neat graceful and cultivated graceful and cultivated never coarse or ungraceful coarse and ungraceful coarse and ungraceful slovenly every letter legible many letters illegible copy book style no original style of letters or writing original style of letters or writing original style of letters or writing original style of letters or writing not eccentric style of letters or writing eccentric style of letters or writing easy running hand easy running hand easy running hand even swing of pen even swing of pen even swing of pen broken and jerky normal steadiness normal steadiness subnormal steadiness subnormal steadiness only one form used for each letter only one form used for each letter only one form used for each letter several letters made in different forms letters omitted in words final letters of abbreviations elevated above line ending with graceful curve to right and looped and looped and looped and looped and with wide loops and with wide loops and with wide loops and with very round loops and with sharply pointed loops and not looped and pointed up stroke at left of stem and closely dotted and seldom dotted and like and and like and and like and and like and and unlike and and unlike and and unlike and and unlike and and unlike and stem short above long below stem short above long below stem short above long below made with lower point sharp and upstroke on right of stem made with lower point sharp and upstroke on right of stem made with lower point sharp and upstroke on right of stem made with lower point sharp and upstroke on right of stem made with lower point sharp and upstroke on right of stem down stroke of rounding up to left rather than pointed to right made with round turn and up stroke on left of stem cross very short cross very long cross at right of stem cross at right of stem cross at right of stem cross at right of stem cross never at left of stem cross never at left of stem cross neither at right nor left of stem cross neither at right nor left of stem cross not at right of stem cross never at right of stem cross at left of stem cross at left of stem cross higher than top of stem cross higher than top of stem cross close down on cross close down on rounded
J. Crouse lives in New York City.
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