Ken Bolton / September Poems / 8.
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9 Views It is one of the two vistas: of tiled roofs, (many aged, discoloured, sway-backed, forming a soup-pea, variegated line: a row of older house roofs— against the newer orange), & trellis & palm tree, # & the intricate calmingly stepped & shuffled & fanned-out facades of buildings that climb the hill, in shallow, flattened planes one behind another. The other view— in shades of, mostly, sandy cream—the rooves orange or lentil— &, pink yellow aqua, a few walls in stucco: A cliche but irreproachable. The sun, now, is strengthening. Six o’clock maybe. 10 It even reminds me of Israel— the castle above the hill, the cypresses in slightly terraced banks
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