Raymond Farr
Raymond Farr is author of two free ebooks: Two Texts, and chainge (White Sky Ebooks 2010, 2011) as well as numerous books in print, including DRUNKER/holding ember (Blue & Yellow Dog Press 2010), and There Is Something Missing in the Whole Transaction between Us (Blue & Yellow Dog Press 2011) as well as Ecstatic/.of facts (Otoliths 2011). He is editor of Blue & Yellow Dog.
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The Whole at the Heart of Every Hole The hole Is a kind of model for Forms of attention and exchange (i. e. the very beginning— Think of certain movements of Zukofsky’s “A” a powerful circuit of The book as a model The book as… Thom Donovan The 12 O’clock at the Heart of Every Midnight West of midnight imagination’s meteoric contradictions make us human. Urban alleys of turbulent rhapsodic nocturnes are post- ganglion Buzz Cola on wild turf. Both in the absurdity of modern civilization & the heart-stopping beauty of crinkly reality you thought you knew. Enter the self-evident as a wizardly lyric unpins a familiar quotidian & us wondering. The Unwritten History at the Heart of Every Unwritten History Simultaneously Mirrors running between Pre- and post- As we pace frantically Between Begging in vain for poetry Not to abandon These poems The earliest known Poems & yet the dialectic tension Between Is utterly contemporary. Yet these poems are neither. These poems are Both essential & eternal. The Document at the Heart of Every Undocumented Act World which, to some, may seem simple on the surface first ½ using Beasts as metaphors are surreal realities. Co-existence inevitable collision & ultimate collapse are here examined with birds suddenly become the equivalence of digital photos— up to the moment descriptions of what is happening always stirring * The most overlooked California & moving voice tirelessly we test limits of the shepherd of Being. How queer the damage— internal external— also documents the persistence of Beauty— especially the dangerous beauty found in LOVE CAKE celebrating the long corridors of memory & myth. Instead uncanny urgency makes us realize stone fires never really go out. * In the theater of the Moment most alive In earth-quaking Ekphrasis every grid is narrative. There is only Necessity—the thrust of us demonstrating the way in which the ox becomes a significant metaphor infused with/eerily adept at history— 15th century to modern times. A monument. A monumental work— one hundred years of solitude. * The fall of ancient language— intelligent refreshing provocative— however tragic— A smoking mirror— A place that glistens & humor— these poems are funny yet meaty. The Light at the Heart of Every Diamond This reeling motet feels like a film about the end of the world spilling into other spaces. Excited & joyous, while dying, dragging one’s tired ass through a desert, hallucinating. It feels like The Waste Land but the footnotes are fun. I think of these multiples. I think I mean that stealth is simply past tense of steal— a paradise of one’s own * In verse— a lover long dead a story of the nature of the individual the natural world weaves multiple sonic pleasures at once sharpens the starkness of the world of matter & anti-matter that stretch from the sublime to the violent * A soldier’s jeep dwells in pushing water, arises as if in a dream. & that sense of dream— long & complex— a metaphor of body, of breath, of heartbeat blood & brain of consciousness itself, time & history rendered in language in word hoard— Anglo-Saxon through the beat or rhythm of the word. The Truth of Houses at the Heart of Every Truth The assumption that crystallizations of language probe our potential erode or affirm reality or respond to chance encounters love, fear reflection— what states or what actions can make any one of Us less real than any other? * The tough elegance of bleached bones characterized by a taut electric sometimes blank always compelling sense of closure validates the bond between form & meaning ruminates on the nature of memory recalling a scene or work of art a coherent perception informed by cynics of a dark age— a largely brutish inhuman existence a bearable strangeness of what Language pries open— war between perception & reality— * He took a cab. He took a cab in a David Lynch movie— unforgettable ride of a lifetime. Just…hailed a cab You have the feeling you will get where you are going— one way or another. * The world swiftly disarticulates each witness turn by turn imbedded in the thing— The wasteland of Eros’s belched fire… The truth of houses achingly at a loss—a loss intimate—even the voice—a step backward wrestles perspective. We eavesdrop on the uncovering of the present better lived sense of overhearing a particular yet eerily familiar inner struggle. * In mnemonic abodes this evidence exists by means of its words— a blank beatific exile while lingering in the cells of language Interiors posted via a vivid singularity The droning stark imaginal thriving OF BONE is a book brimming with marvelous ghosts of contemporary life Shuttled between the tender & the fantastic. What I would easily call the moment a feeling enters— Black stone of sunlight in flowers— A poetry that is a geometry of breath— a cargo of light
Raymond Farr is author of two free ebooks: Two Texts, and chainge (White Sky Ebooks 2010, 2011) as well as numerous books in print, including DRUNKER/holding ember (Blue & Yellow Dog Press 2010), and There Is Something Missing in the Whole Transaction between Us (Blue & Yellow Dog Press 2011) as well as Ecstatic/.of facts (Otoliths 2011). He is editor of Blue & Yellow Dog.
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