Mercedes Webb-Pullman

darker than that

They sewed your future to my fate.
As far as I can be certain,
they're no surgeons.
None of them.

They inserted us into each other.
As I understand it
they're not scientists either. They're

It's a wicked illusion. Together
in primitive darkness
an underground train laid waste
to its passengers,
hearts and all
before we left the station.

We never even moved.

Mercedes Webb-Pullman graduated with an MA in Creative Writing from the IIML Victoria University Wellington New Zealand in 2011. Her work has appeared online (Danse Macabre, Black Mail Press, Turbine, 4th Floor, Swamp, Reconfigurations, The Electronic Bridge, Bone Orchard Poetry, poetryrepairs, Connotations) and in print (Mana magazine, Poetry from Lembas, The Readstrange Collection, and 3 books) She lives on the Kapiti Coast, is Editor/Pacific for Danse Macabre eMagazine.
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Blogger Carbonell said...

So amazing in the words you wrote! Very creative, makes a person want more! Thank you for being the best at what you do! It gives readers like me something to enjoy!

11:01 AM  

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