Scott Metz

Some ku

multiple forms of anger the year enters puberty doors to gift shops


another plas.tic.
star. surrounded by.
the debt of wood.


the non-recyclables of winter eyes closed teeth talk


a neurological season
     coaxed again into being
by seawinds


cold sea. l.ight. satur    ating
my fertility.
rite. the object of my worship


eaten down to veins or vessels in loco parentis


a deer      exits
    the Digital Age
on a Monday


again the patriotic song
down into laughter


regime change Jesus’s navel

Scott Metz is the editor of the online journal R'r (along with its blog), and coeditor, with Lee Gurga, of Haiku 21 (Modern Haiku Press, 2011). He is the author of lakes & now wolves (Modern Haiku Press, forthcoming 2012), and currently lives on the Oregon coast.

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