Raymond Farr
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work was selected for inclusion in the First Sidebrow Anthology. He has published three free ebooks, Writing What For? across the Mourning Sky (Argotist Ebooks 2012), Two Texts (Chalk Editions 2010) and chainge (Chalk Editions 2011), as well as several print books of poetry: Purple Mountain Believers, A Birth of What among Heirlooms?, Rien Ici, big strange wall, Starched, Variably Distorted Lad, There Is Something Missing in the Whole Transaction between Us (all from Blue & Yellow Dog Press), and Ecstatic/.of facts (Otoliths Books 2011). His chap book, Two Hats Appear When Applauded, is available free at www.dusie.org. Raymond is editor of Blue & Yellow Dog.
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eating “fromage” the french for cheese White as [ a] snowfall ing down [ a man adjusted him ]self to looking at backgrounds [— He’s lifted] his chair He skooches up [ to see the screen ][ Till Le Déjeuner sur ] l’herb [ ] is more than [just modern Less than [a fantasy ] more like [a menu ] ** Eat yr camembert, [ Pierre Surreal teeth are a wrist watch [ from Wal-] Mart In the land of the ]poets We are constructed [ of glass & aluminum ]faces We are ravaged [ by instances] [ Of [time & prophets ]] We send out for [ crumpets & our ] all-mother band For [ the Real ]is an instrument We structure [like][elements] Do we [ listen ] [to motors moving through ][time? As though selecting [ ]our [ voices from a ][ pile of ]words? This boulevard ][ speaks resonance Whose feet [ are ][composed] ** A barrack’s length [ from you! I don’t blink ][ I infer something ] [ You wish ]I hadn’t One of us [is a blonde ]hillside Or a street [ after it rains The other ] Has a leg up [ ** In a Paris salon ][ two claws ]’re verbose[ ] [ Rapt & rectangular each page is a box ] there A penultimate gag [as sane as] Conceptual [ looting ] In a [ block of text Who screeches ]at ravens[? ] Is the size of a poem The size of a [ coal? Hold onto yr ]torso I mete [ ] what I scavenge longing with [poses] This night [ is all ]brick This time [ ]out [ I levitate Grab yr ] [croissants Why aren’t you ]painting this? ** An all-Cubist rigmarole snarls up [ the traffic ] lanes [ To some it is Perfunctory ] analysis of a bad [ situation[— I am driving ]to work dense with amnesia I work in a [[factory]] but I never make [ ][facts In the past][][][][ [ I am ]retrograde I text [ all my] friends in a Futurist’s car What else is [ a flouncing ]boy to do but grab his apache [girl ] & vibrate a frequency [ heard only By ] pigeons At the post [ modern ] name? ** [I am staying distortion.] [Is that what I’m saying?] ** All nuit is a dream We are [lost in the night In the swirl ] of red neon The lights of cars [are fluid in us ] A stranger’s window Steals [ ][ all our ]faces Champagne is [our mirror ] ** It is dawn [ ] with Duchamp [ ]lying still ** In the parlor[’re] church mice [portrayed by ] Giorgio De Chirico [ ] The opiates he [ gives us lull us ][to][ leisure— [— ] [ The grace [ of a plum On the slow side ][ of ] txting ** The next aisle [over is where I spilled ]semen I was looking [up] Dog Star in a giant blue [ volume (I happen ] to believe [ ] in a fucking good [star poem) And I got ][too ]excited all over the coffee grounds The road disappeared [ …] Into [the rain] Of my dinghy [ left] pant leg I spoke [like an ]abstract The gutters [ appalled me Something glowed ] Rubicon but was it [ the ice? I asked] [ Was it me? I never hesitated [I hoped that it ] was ** C’est Paris la? Et Beckett ici? A ruin [[[[[[[[[of interrogatives paints on ]a negative The photos are heroes Spooned out [ At ] sunset Festooned over [taxis ] It snows [on civil horses here The chestnuts are trees We are shadowed ]by ]chestnuts The curbs ] are a poem & just as you ] walk they lighten [yr load— [ ][ In a sweet [[[Cubist]]] indiscretion ][ Nothing is perfect As the top of a building[ ]] [ Seen from ]six angles simultaneously ** I Work Like a Shadow , a virtuous head stone , is digging down , & looking out , eleven feet , into the , charmed arms , of my sad , & sadder , chaise lounge of nightmares , in many ways , I killed the x-Kennedys , I span as though , a namesake erases me , I spoon feed my assonance , the char of a keepsake , if the void to my left , crumbles like devil’s food , I summon a halibut , if the voice in my head , deranges a mountain , is our little girl surprised? , a portrait of hands , is labeled “grotesque Baroque” , I am dim as Raskolnikov, , that churl of the diner , & old lady murderer , my thoughts are the end , of racy Racine , I desired a Chevy , I can’t believe , I killed the x-Kennedys , I roved in a saucer , orange as sunset , purple as government , I disprove my raven , not ossify my birthday , all subjects are pertinent , a speck on blue churches , & written on tablets , delicious as rain , I design my own readymade , of homogenous milk , a rainbow of glass trembles , as I drink , I am humming the will , of golden daffodils , buttery as savory sweet breads , savage as the men of the neo-Cologne , the butterflies occur , the mange is an image , I sit up & motor towards , a range of dissonance , is lost on the eye , & shooting some film , a village , of ghosts , repeats , I’m a laugh , I trek , & I span , ineloquent distances , up & over , the slow hungry tears , of star-cratered , language , & so a river , is crystal , I enter the dreams , of unconscious men , it is the weave of an , irony , a little dead thing , sings bottle rockets fly , as I douse the licking fire , I keep an eye out , for stock car pensées , at heart I am groovy , a big wall of suburbs , a hot bowl of gumbo , bursts in my hand , I settle the bill , appearing shadows , of mice , I curtain the doom stage , in lieu of a pardon , but if I mention my tongue , what becomes of the words? , the void isn’t evil , asking nickels for a dime
Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, FL. His work was selected for inclusion in the First Sidebrow Anthology. He has published three free ebooks, Writing What For? across the Mourning Sky (Argotist Ebooks 2012), Two Texts (Chalk Editions 2010) and chainge (Chalk Editions 2011), as well as several print books of poetry: Purple Mountain Believers, A Birth of What among Heirlooms?, Rien Ici, big strange wall, Starched, Variably Distorted Lad, There Is Something Missing in the Whole Transaction between Us (all from Blue & Yellow Dog Press), and Ecstatic/.of facts (Otoliths Books 2011). His chap book, Two Hats Appear When Applauded, is available free at www.dusie.org. Raymond is editor of Blue & Yellow Dog.
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